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Food for Life (FFL) run by the Soil Association brings schools, nurseries, hospitals and care homes, and their surrounding communities together around the core ethos of healthy, tasty and sustainable food. The established School Award programme has demonstrated significant impact on children’s health and their wider attainment, it supports local enterprise and helps to tackle inequalities in local communities. 

FFL promotes a multi faceted educational approach and it is reported pupils in FFL schools eat a third more fruit and veg at school and significantly increased quantities at home with wider impact on parental  food choice. This ethos sits comfortably alongside the aim of the GCC Health and Wellbeing strategy, that every child should have the best start in life and is advocated in the  National Food Strategy. 


Caterlink, who manage a large proportion of school procurement in Gloucestershire have recently been re-awarded the FFL Silver award. A large number of schools, nurseries and business across the county participate in the Soil Association's Food for Life programmes.


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