Network Progress & Initiatives Developing
Across Gloucestershire
There is a lot happening across the County! You can find out more about some of what is happening by clicking on the logos or by using the drop down menu above.
GFFP hosted a collaborative Action Planning workshop with Partners in 2023 which resulted in the Sustainable Food and Farming Action Plan for Gloucestershire 2024-2027. You can find this by clicking the button below.
The Action Plan covers four key themes which emerged
1. Affordable, Healthy, Climate and Nature-Friendly Food and Farming
2. Short Local and Regional Supply Chains
3. Skills, Training, Recruitment, Advice and Innovation
4. Public Policy Opportunities
GFFP are also working collaboratively with Gloucestershire's Climate Leadership Group to ensure our Action Plans align and support one another.
We now have around 20 projects outlined in the Action Plan. For some projects, existing organisations and partnerships will already have the capacity and willingness to lead their development, for example, the Agri-food and Rural Business Skills Group's recently launched Rural Navigation Network. GFFP will facilitate the creation of new partnerships to co-design the remaining projects, with funding either already secured or being sought to enable several exciting new projects from 2024.